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This Backgammon set includes an instruction manual and a Small 11-inch case. Open: 15 x 11 x 1 inches; Closed: 11 x 7.5 x 1.75 inches, the perfect size for travel or car rides; no table needed!

The soft-felt interior with smartly stitched leatherette accents creates a quiet base when rolling the dice and a smooth surface when moving the chips during play. Included are Playing Chips, Playing Dice, Doubling the Cube, Dice Shakers, and an Exclusive Strategy & Tip Guide by Get the Games Out (Trademarked). Includes spare chips and playing dice of each color.


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Click the link to see on Amazon.      https://amzn.to/42qHDJx


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Introduction to the Backgammon game.

Indulge in the timeless sophistication of Backgammon, a game that seamlessly combines strategy and chance. This Classic Backgammon Set is designed for enthusiasts and newcomers, offering a perfect blend of historical charm and contemporary craftsmanship.


Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this Backgammon set is for you!  The set includes an instruction manual and a Small 11-inch case. Open: 15 x 11 x 1 inches; Closed: 11 x 7.5 x 1.75 inches, the perfect size for travel or car rides; no table needed! Everything is tucked away in the designated areas, and the game folds into a sleek briefcase style with brass-colored buckles and a handle for easy transport.

The soft-felt interior with smartly stitched leatherette accents creates a quiet base when rolling the dice and a smooth surface when moving the chips during play. Included with the backgammon set are Playing Chips, Playing Dice, Doubling the Cube, Dice Shakers, and an Exclusive Strategy & Tip Guide by Get the Games Out (Trademarked). Includes spare chips and playing dice of each color.




History of The Backgammon Game.


Backgammon boasts a rich and ancient heritage, tracing its origins back nearly 5,000 years. Believed to have originated in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), the earliest versions of Backgammon were discovered in the ruins of Ur. These precursors to the modern game included a board, pieces, and dice, showcasing the game’s long-standing reliance on both strategy and luck.


As civilizations evolved, so did Backgammon. It was a popular pastime in Roman times, known as “tabula,” and later gained prominence across Europe and Asia. The game underwent a significant transformation in 17th-century England, where it was refined into the version we know today.

The 1920s marked a pivotal moment in Backgammon’s history with introducing the doubling cube, adding a new layer of strategy and risk.

This innovation catapulted the game to new heights of popularity, making it a staple in gaming clubs and households worldwide.


Today, Backgammon continues to be celebrated as a game of intellect, skill, and a bit of luck, offering a captivating blend of historical richness and enduring appeal.


How to Play the Backgammon Game.


Click here to see video on how to play:         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXE5AwzNQ2s


BackgammonBackgammon is a classic board game for two players that combines strategy and luck. The main objective is to move all your pieces around the board and bear them off (remove them) before your opponent does the same. Here’s a brief overview of how to play:

Setup: The game is played on a board of 24 narrow triangles called points. These points are grouped into four quadrants of six points each. Each player starts with 15 checkers placed in a predetermined position: two on their 24-point, five on their 13-point, three on their 8-point, and five on their 6-point.

Movement: Players roll two dice to determine their move. The numbers on the dice represent how many points, or spaces, a player can move their checkers. Checkers move in opposite directions, from the 24-point towards the 1-point. A player can move their checker to any point not occupied by two or more opposing checkers.

Hitting and Entering: If a player lands on a point occupied by a single opposing checker, that checker is hit and placed on the bar (the middle divider of the board). A player with one or more checkers on the bar must enter them into the opponent’s home board (the last quadrant) before moving others.

Bearing Off: Once players’ checkers are in their home board, they can start bearing off. This involves rolling the dice and removing checkers from the board. The dice roll must correspond to the exact point on which the checker resides, or if the roll is higher than the highest point on which a checker resides, it can be used to bear off the furthest checker.

Doubling Cube: Backgammon includes an optional doubling cube, which allows players to raise the game’s stakes. Before rolling the dice in their turn, a player can propose to double the match’s value. The opponent can accept the double and continue playing for the new higher stakes or forfeit the game at the current stakes.

Winning: The first player to bear off all their checkers wins, and winning by bearing off all checkers while the opponent still has checkers on the board or the bar results in a regular win. However, if the opponent has not borne off any checkers or still has checkers in the winner’s home quadrant, it results in a gammon, which counts for double. If the opponent has not borne off any checkers and still has checkers on the bar or in the winner’s home board, it results in backgammon, which counts for triple.


BackgammonBackgammon’s blend of strategy and luck from dice rolls makes it a dynamic and entertaining game, with each game offering new challenges and opportunities.


More Board Games Links.


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