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Weekly Devotional Page

Free Weekly Devotional Page

Free Devotional Page

Wisdom from the Cross is a free weekly devotional page written and distributed by Dale Turner. The page features reflections on the meaning of the cross by selecting a theme related to the meaning of Calavary. by This page is sent out every Friday through Dale’s email list. To sign up for this free page just click this link https://wished-for.com/free-book-about-depression/ or go to one of Dale’s websites at https://wished-for.com/join-email-list/ or https://daleturner.org/ and click on “Join Email List.”

Dale’s dream is to publish this weekly page for a period of one year and then combine the fifty-two articles into a book.

Free Book about Conquering Depression.

Dale Turner has written a new book about conquering depression. In the book he lists thirty-one connections that will help you conquer depression. The first five of these connections are personal connections 1) Your family physician, 2) Your psychologist, 3) Your Pastor, 4). Your Good Friend, and your Best Friend (Jesus).

Click this link to download a free copy of Dale Turner’s new book, “31 Connections That will Help You Conquer Depression.” https://wished-for.com/new-book

About Pastor Dale Turner

Free Weekly Devotional Page

Dale turner has been a pastor since 1963, the same year he and his wife Lois were married. He has served as a lead pastor, a district Superintendent, and a visitation pastor. He retired in 2005. He served as a visitation pastor until 2023 when he retired a second time. In 2023 he became an Amazon Affiliate Marketer with a new website at: https://wished-for.com/

Click this link to learn more about Dale. https://wished-for.com/dale-richard-turner/

Click the links below to see a list

of articles from “Wisdom from the Cross.”

Wisdom from the Cross    https://daleturner.org/wisdom-from-the-cross/
Unconditional love            
Hope                                   https://daleturner.org/hope/
Faith Overcomes Doubt    
Faith Overcomes Doubt (daleturner.org)
Resurrection – Dale Turner
I Serve a Risen Savior     

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